Recently, a friend of mine discovered a swarm of bees on his property. He called a local beekeeper, who came to capture the bees and take them to a safe, new hive. While she was working, she talked to us about bees.
When a colony becomes too large for its current hive, or a new queen or queens are Recently, a friend of mine discovered a swarm of bees on his property. He called a local beekeeper, who came to capture the bees and take them to a safe, new hive. While she was working, she talked to us about bees.
When a colony becomes too large for its current hive, or a new queen or queens are Recently, a friend of mine discovered a swarm of bees on his property. He called a local beekeeper, who came to capture the bees and take them to a safe, new hive. While she was working, she talked to us about bees.
When a colony becomes too large for its current hive, or a new queen or queens are